De bronnen van de interventies zijn per interventie opgenomen. Andere bronnen zijn:
- Black, D. (2007), The social structure of right and wrong, Emerald Group Publishing, UK, North America, etc.
- Black, D. (2011), Moral Time, Oxford University Press, New York
- Brown (1983), L.D., Managing conflict at organizational interfaces, Addison-Wesley
- Burke, W.W. (2006), Conflict in organizations, The Handbook of Conflict resolution, Jossey Bass
- Deutsch, M. (1973), The resolution of conflict – constructive and destructive processes, Yale Uni-versity Press, New Haven and London
- F. Glasl, Konfliktmanagement, Bern, 1980
- Lang, M. (2000), Conflict management: a gap in business education curricula, Journal of educa-tion for business, march/ april
- Lindner, E.G.(2006), Emotion and conflict: Why it is important to understand how emotions affect conflict and how conflict affects emotions, The Handbook of Conflict resolution, Jossey Bass
- Margerison en Mccann , zie
- Mastenbroek, W.F.G. (1982), Conflicthantering en organisatieontwikkeling, Samsom
- Mischel, W., Desmet, A.L., Kross, E. (2006), Self-regulation in the service of conflict resolution, The Handbook of Conflict resolution, Jossey Bass
- Nader, L. , Todd, H.F. (1978), The disputing process – law in ten societies, Columbia university press, New York
- Nader, L. (2002), The live of the law – anthropological projects, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London
- Pondy, L.R. (1967), Organizational conflict: concepts and models, Administrative science quar-terly, September
- Pondy, L.R. (1992), Reflections on organizational conflict, Journal of organizational behavior, vol. 13
- Rahim, M.A. (2001), Managing conflict in organizations, Quorum books, London
- TNO, Arbobalans 2011, Kwaliteit van de arbeid, effecten en maatregelen in Nederland, in op-dracht van het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid
- Walton, R.E (1969), Interpersonal peacemaking: confrontations and third party consultation, Ad-dison-Wesley
- Weick, K. (2000) , Making sense of the organization, Wiley Blackwell